Theophilus WellingtonJul 30, 20213 minTheo’s Commentary on Freedom Dreams by Robin D.G. Kelley“But the dream of exodus still lives in those of us not satisfied with the world as we know it.” There comes an age when society dictates...
Theophilus WellingtonJul 30, 20213 minTheo’s Commentary on All About Love by Bell HooksOur generation is too scared to speak on love, to confront it and most importantly, to choose it. With an earth shattering heartbreak in...
Ooretoluse DelanoJul 14, 20216 minDecolonising the mind by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'oIn the book, ‘Decolonising the Mind’, N wu Thiong’o takes a different approach in discussing the post-colonial state, by noting that many...
delanoooretoluse4 days ago6 minUncomfortable Truths: An Imperial ElectionAmerica and Europe are not my centre, so unless there is an electoral candidate who is proposing an end to the genocides in the Congo and...
Caitlin HoylandAug 2018 minQueering the Asylum SystemIn 2015, former UK Shadow Immigration Minister, Chris Bryant, proclaimed that asylum cases for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity...
Elroy RamantanAug 132 min“Heart Break of Borneo” by Elroy Ramantan“Heart Break of Borneo” draws its title from the “Heart of Borneo” initiative, a conservation promise by Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia...